Home Grown

Home Grown

Thursday 15 November 2012

Hermione and Ron Take a Bath!

Hermione and Ron are settling in very well and they really are rather cute. They are real little characters and love being around the children, following them and then bleating when the children leave their pen.

Their favourite treat at the minute seems to be leaves from the fruit trees and they will do all sorts of tricks in order to get the children to give them to them. Anna has been trying to clicker train them and teach them recall to their names. They do seem to be pretty smart so watch this space!
The only issue we have had with the goats is an aroma of 'eau de urine' which transfers to anyone cuddling them courtesy of being in a stall with an unwithered male before they came home. Intact males have the dubious trait of urinating on their faces to make themselves desirable to females. Needless to say our males are all withered!
Anyway we had a gloriously sunny day today and there was actually some warmth in the sun at midday so it was decided that today would be bath day. Armed with a trug of warm water, some puppy shampoo and towels the gang introduced Hermione and Ron to their first bathing experience. Ron was first in and as he was being fed a continuous supply of fruit tree leaves seemed to be very accepting of his situation!

Hermione was next in and again seemed to take the experience in her stride, there wasn't a single bleat from either of them.

I love seeing the children all working together and figuring out between them how to go about things. It was also the kind of day which makes me feel very blessed that they can be out in the fresh air experiencing life hands-on instead of stuck inside in a classroom.

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